UK regulator invites feedback on paper exploring UTM deployment in the UK

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Innovation Hub has published a paper entitled Developing a Regulatory Vision for UK UTM and calls for industry input regarding possible ways Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) could be implemented to manage remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS).

The paper also explores the possibility that UTM services could also be used to support non-RPAS operations. Examples include new or existing aircraft flying at low altitudes as well as those operating very close to terrain and obstacles, including advanced air mobility aircraft.

“Traffic management services for remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) will become increasingly necessary as the number and complexity of operations increase over time. It is important for us to gain insights from you to help the CAA appreciate the scale and breadth of possible ways that UTM could be implemented in support of specific RPAS operations,” says the CAA.

The information gathered by this call for insights will be used to enhance the understanding and preparedness of CAA policy and regulatory experts. It is the first step in the development of the UTM regulatory approach for the UK, as explained in CAP2262. The CAA’s draft vision for UTM in the UK is non-exhaustive and is intended to provide context. The document also reflects on the name “UAS/Uncrewed Traffic Management”.

Ref here: CAP 2292. Innovation Call for Insights: Developing a Regulatory Vision for UK UTM

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