Inmarsat introduces Velaris connectivity solution aimed at unmanned aerial systems sector

Satellite communications company Inmarsat has launched a new connectivity solution called Velaris which is designed to support the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) industry.

Velaris is powered by Inmarsat’s ELERA global satellite network. It is designed to provide secure communications for commercial UAVs to fly beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) and seamlessly integrate with aircraft in commercial airspace, says the Inmarsat press release. Velaris comes with military grade cybersecurity and allows operators to send their UAVs on long distance flights and access various applications, such as real-time monitoring, to ensure safe integration with other air traffic. In addition, it allows a single pilot to remotely operate multiple UAVs at scale, making operations more commercially viable.

Anthony Spouncer, Inmarsat’s Senior Director of UAVs and Unmanned Traffic Management, said: “Commercial UAVs have the potential to revolutionise a vast array of different industries throughout the world. However, to truly unlock their potential on a commercial scale, it is imperative that autonomous vehicles and unmanned aviation are safely and securely integrated into managed commercial airspace. That’s exactly what Velaris, as Inmarsat’s first global UAV connectivity solution, will deliver.”

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