Brazil opts for Thales radar to protect against aerial threats

Brazil’s Department of Airspace Control, through the Airspace Control System Implementation Commission, has signed a contract for the acquisition of Ground Master Multi-Mission “all-in-one” radars.

The Ground Master 200 Multi-Mission radar family covers aerial threats, from low mini-drones to faster, more agile targets for ground-based air defence operations up to mid-range air defence

The GM200 MM/A destined for Brazil features Thales’ dual-axis multi-beam technologies. The antenna operates on an 8-metre mast, with an embedded Power Generator Unit, sustainable for more than 24 hours of operation. The radar enables the integration of a local command and control capability within the radar’s cabin for up to two operators and their working positions. The system is suitable for future upgrades and capabilities expansion to manage an evolving spectrum of threats and doctrines.

The GM200 MM/A fits in a single autonomous 20-foot ISO standard package with built-in lifting systems, enabling the radar to be transported by road, rail, boat, helicopter and tactical aircraft. Thales says the system can be deployed by two people in less than 15 minutes. 

Omnisys, a Thales subsidiary in Brazil, will be responsible for all local radar support and maintenance activities for this contract.

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